A Paleontologist's "Field of Dreams" Located in
northcentral Nebraska, the Ashfall site
features rhinos, horses and many other
animals that died as result of a volcanic
eruption in Idaho 12.5 million years ago.
The eruption produced a tremendous cloud of
ash that descended onto the savannah,
including the Nebraska area. As the lungs of
animals filled with ash, they sought relief at a
waterhole where they eventually died and
were covered with several feet of ash. I visited
the site in August of 1999 and took these
pictures. The photo shows one of the rhinos.
About 100 have been discovered at the site
along with horses, camels, turtles, and
IMPORTANT: To "Look at all the pictures and read the captions", click on the hot links at the bottom of the page(s). NOTE: There are several pages to look at before you get to the link titled "learn more".