LAB: Burning Up the Atmosphere

This lab provides a fun introduction to our study of the atmosphere. The lab is based on an idea that was given to me by Rick Jones, science teacher at Billings Sr. High School in Billings, Montana. The photos below show the simple experiment which the students will use to determine the percentage of air that is oxygen.

Cl ick here to see the student handout and notes for the teacher that you may be able to print.


Here is what the students will need to do the activity: test tube, birthday candle, hex nut, culture dish (or similar container), water, food coloring

The technique . . .

The candle is placed the water and then lit. In one smooth motion the tube is inverted over the flame.

Rising water . . .

As the flame goes out, water rises into the tube. For the activity, it will be assumed that the water which rises into the tube is equal to the volume of the oxygen that was "burned up".


Click here to see the handout, etc.