Beaverhead Impact Structure

Approximate location . . .
The yellow circle marks the approximate location of the Beaverhead Impact Structure (crater). Challis, Idaho (yellow dot) is north of the center. The Beaverhead Site, where the shatter cones were discovered, is located on the Montana side of the border just east of the crater.

Source . . .
Carr, J., and Link, P.K., 1999, Neoproterozoic conglomerate and breccia in the formation of Leaton Gulch, Grouse Peak, northern Lost River Range, Idaho: Relation to Beaverhead Impact Structure, in Hughes, S.S., and Thackray, G.D., eds., Guidebook to the Geology of Eastern Idaho: Pocatello, Idaho Museum of natural History, p. 21-29.

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